The best life is a God First life

Category: Lying

What would your thoughts say about you?

I saw a meme with a handwritten cardboard sign that said: STOP showing me ads about things I just talked about.

This made me wonder (especially with Ai)

If Ads were based on what we THINK about, what would those ads look like?

Would followers of Christ have spiritually minded ads focused on following Christ and doing good for others, or would they primarily be just on us?

Would thought-generated ads be geared towards good attributes like those in Philippians 4:8-9 (I hope so), or would they target acts of the flesh as we find in Galatians 5:19–21? (I pray not)

In all honesty, I fear ads targeting some of my thoughts would make me ashamed.

The good thing is that tempting desires (thoughts) do not become a sin until we act on those desires. So, What does acting on fleshly desires incorporate?

As I thought about this question, I concluded that action would encompass more than the obvious “physical action”; it would include mindful action.

Those times when we choose not to dismiss a thought but rather entertain it in our mind, expand on it, and consciously focus on the fleshly desires for an extended time. This is when I believe the action of thought would become a sin.


  1. Fleshly desires, such as hateful fantasies that concentrate on plans of retribution,
  2. Sexual or other types of fantasies that encourage a sinful desire.

Scripture tells us:

“But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death”. James 1:14-15

God First!

A lie called spin is still a lie.

How many of us speak using the best choice of words every time? Or, write the perfect sentence, paragraph, statement, or blog? I would say none. Yet today, people are constantly attacking words or phrases being used, ignoring obvious intent.

This makes me think of the parable where Jesus said:” Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” How many of us imperfect people are casting stones at someone right now, NOT because of their intent, but rather because we did not like the words they used or how they presented them?

In politics and media, attacks are consistently made on purpose. Unfortunately, instead of calling these misleading efforts” deceit” or” lies,” we are Arrogantly told this is ok; it’s called” SPIN.” Phrases like” that’s their spin” or” what’s your spin?” are now commonplace. Today,” spin” comes with new meaning: distort the truth, change the focus of the original intent, weaken its impact, and confuse the listener or reader no matter how sound the original intent was.

Well, if it looks and sounds like a duck, it’s a duck! A lie called spin is still a lie.

To counter spin, we must have the truth; while this is almost impossible to get in politics and media, it’s not impossible when it comes to God and our salvation. Why? Because we have absolute truth! The Complete Word of God. God’s word can and should be our standard on all things. The answers are in scripture for all of us to follow and mimic. God is NOT a God of confusion.

  • Matthew 5:37
  • Proverbs 12:22
  • 2 Timothy 3:16
  • Galatians 5:22
  • 1 Corinthians 14:33

God First!

Does your thinking call God a liar?

Sometimes we let our smarts get in the way of the obvious as we seek hidden meanings behind simple words rather than accepting them at face value. We do this with each other and sometimes with God’s Word. Doing so can easily cause issues with each other and with proper understanding.

With God’s Word, we can be certain there is only 1 perfect answer. We can be sure that answer will not conflict with any other parts of God’s word. God is perfect and cannot lie, and according to scripture itself, all scripture is God-breathed. To dismiss or decide that God doesn’t mean what he says in any part of God’s Words is to call God a liar.

Because scripture is all from God, we can rely on it not to contradict itself. For hundreds of years, many have tried to prove contradictions but failed. You can find answers to many supposed contradictions addressed in articles on the website

  • “For God is not a God of Confusion…” 1 Corinthians 14:33
  • Be not wise in your own eyes; …” Proverbs 3:7
  • Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:21
  • “…God, that cannot lie...” Titus 1:2 (KJV)
  • All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16

God’s Word is full of proof, facts and, knowledge on things to come, Science unknown to men when it was written; please consider it all before dismissing or thinking God’s Word does not mean what it says. Study and evaluate to learn instead.

God First!

Faithful Christians in Government

If politicians were faithful Christians, corruption would not be an issue. Lies and Deceit would not be an issue. If we love Christ, no matter our role in this world, we keep his commandments. Love of God and our neighbors are the two greatest commands. The keyword to this statement is “Faithful“- those continuously striving to be Christ-like, to love others as Christ loved us!

You can’t love two masters, such as greed and God.

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Matthew 6:24
  • John 14:15
  • John 13:34

God First!

Save yourself with honesty.

When good minds and hearts succumb to telling lies and being deceitful, it produces guilt, and guilt is heavy on the heart. When we choose to hide the truth rather than correct the issue with honesty, we carry unnecessary burdens. These burdens of sin allow Satan to set up residence and dwell in our minds. For example, if we lie or deceive someone (like a spouse) regarding an important matter, we carry that unresolved lie with us daily?

Sometimes, rather than confess, we tell ourselves things like ”no real harm done,” it’s better if they don’t know.” ”Why hurt them with the truth?” however, by doing so, we seal that burden of guilt in our hearts and minds, maybe for years or till death when honesty sets us free.

Our cover-up then gives Satan permanent residence in that part of our mind, and guess what? It’s not hidden from God. God knows the truth and has told us to always speak with the truth.

God hates lies!

When we fess up, confess, ask forgiveness and repent, we simultaneously kick Satan to the curb, kicking him out of that permanent dwelling we’ve furnished him in our mind. Don’t let Satan settle in, save yourself with honesty, pray, tell the truth, face the consequence and stop Satan from building a mansion in your mind as one lie leads to two, then three, then four, and many more…

The above thoughts bring to my mind the parable of unclean spirits and following scriptures.

  • John 8:34 – slave to sin
  • James 5:16 – confess
  • Matthew 12:43-45 unclean spirits
  • Philippians 4:8-9 rethink
  • Romans 1:28-32
  • John 8:32 – truth
  • Matthew 5:23-24 – Reconcile

God First!

Recognize the lies: Get away from me, Satan

Occasionally we can become disheartened and discouraged when things happen out of our control.

Satan will jump on these opportunities to tempt us; He wants us to; throw our hands up in the air, give up, stop trying, sulk, become apathetic, go back to old ways, or try unexplored ways, to live like the worldly.

Satan wants us to believe the LIE that a life with no time for God is a life of fun, happiness, prosperity, and we deserve this. That God, for some reason, does not mean what he says.

God wants us to lean on Him, to cast our burdens on Him, to trust in Him, in His Word and His promises of eternal life. He wants us to understand consequences and keep His Commandments. He wants us to choose to stay the course he laid out for us in His Holy Word.

God gave us the freedom to chose, follow Christ, or follow the world.

Sometimes, we have to trudge through difficult times, but in His wisdom, God gave us a way to call on him through prayer, to approach His spotless throne through the sacrifice of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. To humble ourselves and ask for his help.

By staying the course, we become a light to those around us, Family, friends, children, grandchildren, and even strangers.

So, when we feel disheartened or discouraged, and those temptations try to settle in, recognize who they’re from, push them aside, and pray.

Remember, you are loved, and you are an example to someone who loves you!

1st Peter 5:7-8
Psalm 55:22
James 5:14–16
John 14:15
John 3:16
James 4:10




Fake news is nothing new to Christians. We have been bombarded with Fake News since the beginning of Christianity. Jesus’s disciples and apostles spread the Good News of our salvation through Christ by telling of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. They established congregations all over, giving us examples of Church actions, worship, and leadership. Many of the letters we find in the New Testament are addressing “Fake News” and it continues today. Our world is full of Fake News in Christianity, but there’s good news. We don’t have to be gullible!

God has given us the means to discern the Truth from the Fake. We have 66 books of inspired words from God to study so that we can discern God’s Will, God’s teachings, through His holy word, comparing them to the desires and teachings of mankind. The answers are not found in what someone says is of God’s Word but in what God’s word actually says.

God First!

Writer: Wayne Johnson

”Oops, I almost forgot to take my eyes out.”

Or, “Got to put my eyes in” This type of language is called: “hyperbole.” It can be engaging to the listener by bringing more attention to an otherwise dry statement.

In today’s culture, especially in our news, hyperbolic language is often distorted and twisted to be ”Literal Language” no matter how obvious the exaggeration. By treating hyperbolic statements literally, one might call someone a liar or twist their statement’s intention to make it sound like it was meant to be disrespectful to something or someone when there was no such intent.

My point is: We would do well to pay more attention to the intent of messages rather than getting caught up and inflamed by spin. Generally, the intent of a hyperbolic statement is obvious; unless you’re looking to change the message to further a different agenda, you should get it.

In my case, I’m referring to my contact lenses. By the way, I have used hyperbolic language naturally for many, many years. Long before I learned, it had a name and definition.


hy·per·bo·le [hīˈpərbəlē]


* Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Twisting words is lying

If I wrote a book full of incoherent words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs and threw in a few random pictures, I could have the best-selling book of incoherency in these times.

A book that simulates watching today’s news where the goal seems to be to purposely complicate the uncomplicated by twisting every word and distorting every sentence so as to completely destroy its original intent.

Where the simplest truth cannot be heard or understood because of the useless but loud chatter.

Simply put, purposely twisting words to apply narratives other than their original intent is lying, and only satan loves lies.

Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

Proverbs 12:22

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44

Lies are Heavy Weights that limit Happiness and Joy.

When we carry the weight of sin in our minds, are we not allowing Satan to dwell there? For example, We lie or deceive a loved one over an important matter (maybe a spouse).

We then carry the burden of that lie with us, and it haunts us from time to time. Conversations arise that remind us of our lie or cause us to repeat or expand the lie to avoid revealing the truth. Yet still, rather than confess, we tell ourselves things like ”no real harm done,” “it’s better if they don’t know.” ”Why hurt them with the truth”?

As a result, we may carry the unnecessary weight of that guilt (that God knows) in our hearts and minds for years, maybe even, to our death. 

By doing so, are we not offering Satan permanent residence in that part of our mind?
Are we not limiting our relationship with that person from being all it can be?

However, if we fess up to God, that person, ask forgiveness, and repent, are we not simultaneously kicking Satan to the curb? Kicking him out of that permanent home that we’ve furnished him in our mind. Are we not mending our hearts and minds by removing that permanent dwelling of sin?

The above thoughts bring to my mind the following scripture.

1. James 5:16 – confess

2. Matthew 12:43-45  unclean spirits

3. Philippians 4:8-9 rethink

4. Romans 1:28-32

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