Many people have been separated from loved ones in care facilities because of Covid-19, powerless to be with their loved ones during those final moments on earth; this saddens me. I empathize with the hurt and pain of their hearts as they wanted to be with their loved ones. So, I leave you this thought in hopes that you will find comfort in it, as I do.
Our family was not physically with my dad when his soul departed his failing body and mind on that trip to Paradise back In Nov 2019; Although we were not physically with him when he passed that morning, I’m confident dad was not alone. I believe angels of God carried his soul to Paradise just as they did Lazarus in the illustration story that Jesus told of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:22). Jesus said: “The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side.”…
Dad was a Christian. He lived the life of a Christian, so we look forward to that day when we see each other again apart from physical bodies and mind and get to spend eternity together.
God First!
written by: Wayne Johnson
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