In 2015 a wealthy businessman, not a politician, decided to run for the United States Presidency. Everything I knew of him was contrived from what I had seen on TV, read in news articles and magazines, heard others say, and by watching “The Apprentice.” TV show
Armed with all this “information,” I concluded that I did not like the man.
I considered myself an independent voter, not a party voter, so whenever possible, I listened to him and others give their speeches.
I would watch CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, & FOX News.
In doing so, I noticed commentators repeatedly telling me what to think and feel about his remarks before telling me what he said; This became a problem for me as what I saw and heard in live speech contradicted what I was being told to believe.
In the 2016 Republican runoff, I voted for Ted Cruz. Yet, after Trump’s win, I watched more speeches, interviews, and debates.
Over time, it became evident that his words were being blatantly twisted like a tornado which prompted me to wonder why?
Why such a consorted effort to change the intent of his words? This practice piqued my interest.
I became intrigued by the direction Trump wanted to take our country and that although he never claimed to be a Christian, his message included doing many things that coincide with the principles of love for God, love and concern for others, and Christian beliefs in general. Although Trump’s speech is very coarse at times, he continuously gives recognition to God more than any president in recent history.
Trump: “In America, we don’t worship government; we worship God.”
To me, Trump’s speeches targeted American Growth and epitomized a common-sense approach; building a better America for all Americans.
I liked this message and his repeated recognition of God.
After continually watching his words mutilated into things he did not say or intend, I narrowed my news consumption to FOX; Unfortunately, in my opinion, they have now fallen prey to misleading viewers as well.
Today, NEWSMAX is my station of choice. Newsmax airs many of Trump’s speeches in their entirety. I appreciate being able to make my decisions by seeing first-hand what he says instead of being told what to think and believe by commentators.
Hate has been spewed at Trump from multiple directions, yet he continues to find solutions to problems.
I have been appalled by the relentless attacks and accusations repeatedly proven untrue by people abusing their power, both Democrats and Republicans.
These attacks lend much credence to the “Swamp” concept that several in power feel threatened by this wealthy businessman who has battled tirelessly for the people of our country.
Despite Insurmountable odds and fabrications created by his opponents, President Trump has trudged through the lies and kept most if not all of his political promises bringing strength and respect back to our country. Just imagine how much more good he could’ve accomplished had Trump not been treasonously inundated by the now-proven-to-be Russian hoax. So many people have been misled and taught to hate Trump.
Before Covid, we were starting to thrive; I want to see us on that path again.
President Donald J Trump earned my respect and my future vote because he did much to improve America, not as one nation under Trump, but as One Nation Under God!
A country with God is a Country Blessed a Country without God is a country lost.
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