The best life is a God First life

Regrets, humility, forgiveness, and change

Almost 6 decades of choices, both poor and excellent. Some success and many regrets. However, I don’t dwell on regrets or let them hamper my attitude. For me, many regrets are used as fuel to feed a burning desire to help others avoid similar mistakes. Occasionally I share pieces of my life that can be embarrassing, shameful or seem boastful and prideful at times. Over the years, I’ve achieved some small levels of success, but my biggest success was when I decided to put God First! Not by words but by commitment.

The results of my decisions once had me living in a tent for a few months. This consequence forced me to swallow my pride, learn humility, and accept help from others to get back on my feet. The family that helped us asked one thing from me. They asked: When opportunities arise, I help others. I will never forget them, their commitment to God, or their kindness and have tried to honor that request ever since.

When I share my life, it’s, for this reason, I hope others will gain from my experiences, good or bad. I hope that my sharing will help someone avoid similar mistakes and maybe embrace some of my most excellent decisions. At the top of that list is my decision to follow Christ and all His teachings to the best of my ability. Although I failed for many years, I now take comfort in knowing God has forgiven me for turning my back on his love and pursuing my own desires. I now know I have an eternal home waiting in Heaven and can’t fathom ever turning my back on God again. Simply put, No desires are worth the eternal risk.

All of us have the same opportunity I had. Everyone!

Scripture points out that we must hear God’s word, we must believe Christ is the risen Son of God (Romans 10:8-17), we must repent (make the decision to change our life course and follow Jesus), we must confess Jesus as the risen Son of God (Acts 2:38) and, we must be immersed (baptized) in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). It’s at this point (after baptism) that our sins are forgiven. After baptism, we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is here that we are added to “The Church” (We don’t join, we are added) Acts 2:41.

From this time forward, we are looked upon by God to be as pure as the driven snow because Christ’s blood continues to cleanse us. (1 John 1:7) We are then “IN CHRIST” with the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us walk in the light, putting God First and doing all we can to show Jesus our love by keeping His commandments and loving others, as Christ loved us (John 14:15)

  • John 14:1-6
  • Revelation 21:1-27
  • 1 Cor. 15
  • Gal. 3:26-27
  • Rom. 6:3-5
  • Gal. 3:27

God First!

1 Comment

  1. Emily Gifford

    God is always looking on the horizon, as the father of the wayward son in the Bible did. He is always ready to forgive even our most sinful past life. What a blessing!

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