The best life is a God First life

Tag: Pray often

The blessing of direct prayer

When we approach God’s throne in prayer, we often bow our heads, close our eyes, and kneel. I love doing these gestures as doing so signifies respect, honor, and glory to God. These gestures also help focus our attention solely on the prayer and can be great examples in teaching our children to pray and respect our Heavenly Father.

This said; Prayer has no limits! We can pray anywhere at any time in any situation or environment. We don’t pray to impress those around us; we pray to have time with our creator, say thank you, or ask for help.

God is family, and no one loves us the way God loves us, and no one has the ability to help us more than God does. So, we can pray out loud or in our mind without a single word spoken, with our eyes wide open, driving down the road, cutting grass, fishing, hunting, cooking, walking the dog, or holding the baby.

God has given each of us the avenue of direct prayer through the name of Jesus, his only begotten son, so why not take advantage of this incredible opportunity and pray often? God wants to hear from us!

  • Luke 12:34
  • Hebrews 4:14-16
  • Matthew 6:7
  • 1st Thessalonians 5:17 (pray without ceasing)
  • James 5:13
  • John 5:15
  • Ephesians 6:18
  • Mark 11:24
  • Romans 12:12

God First!


According to Thessalonians 5:17, we are to “Pray Continually” If we think about it, praying continually would mean we always include God in our decisions. Praying “prior” to making decisions (big or small), seeking “God’s will” be done rather than just doing “our will” and then praying God’s ok with it.”

When we make decisions, Do we pray for wisdom, help, and discernment before we make them? or only after we made them when we realize we need help with the results of our decision.

Is God’s will, Our will? Or, do we treat our will as if it should be, God’s will, and pray that he will help us with the repercussions of our decision?

For example, we buy a new car without praying that God helps us find the best car for our needs, then, after the fact, we find ourselves going to God praying for help on payments or repair. Of course, this is hypothetical, but maybe including God beforehand would put us into a vehicle we could afford without repairs we can’t afford.

God wants to hear from us, Pray often and pray for those things that would align with the heart of God.

( James 4:15)

God First!

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