Last night, at our “Band of Brothers” Bible study of Psalms 119, we briefly discussed when each man should set aside time to pray: just before bed, first thing in the morning, etc.
At the time, although my most consistent time to pray is just before bed, I thought starting each day with prayer would be a good habit to add. I’m speaking of purposeful prayers, aside from the situational or sporadic prayer often said throughout the day.
Then, last night, Casper (our dog) woke me up around 1 p.m., needing to go out; this is not typical. When I returned to bed, it dawned on me: I never finished my nightly prayer as I had fallen asleep, so I prayed and then slept.
This morning, I woke up from a dream; in the dream, I was praying. I can’t remember ever having a dream where my action of praying was part of the dream.
Thinking of this dream reminded me of last night’s discussion and sparked me to pray this morning, hopefully, the beginning of setting aside more purposeful time for daily prayer (where I won’t be falling asleep)
I used to get on my knees often for prayers at night rather than lying in bed to do so. I never fell asleep while on my knees in prayers and was always more focused on God and my prayer while on my knees; I think this is a habit I need to restore and highly recommend.
The power of God is beyond our greatest imagination; He loves us enough that He sent His Son as the propitiation for our sins. It doesn’t make sense not to approach God through Jesus’s name often.
God First!
- 1 John 2:2
- Psalms 5:3
- Psalms 42:8
- 1 John 5:14
- James 5:16
- Philippians 4:6-7
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