The pangs of life can seem overwhelming at times, if only for a few minutes. Our hearts may hurt and feel squeezed and empty, leaving us emotionally consumed and gasping for breath. Our shield of faith may grow heavy in our arms and, during our human weakness, be carelessly lowered, allowing the darts of evil to strike and drift us into shadows of bleak despair; however, Even in these darkest of moments, with Christ; we can overcome. We must reach out! Reach out in prayer, reach out to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, spend time in God’s Word and reflect on all the countless reasons we trust in the lord. Scripture tells us the closer we draw to God, the closer he draws to us. If we keep God First in our lives, we have what we need to overcome even in our weakest moments.
- Ephesians 6:16 (shield of faith)
- 1st Peter 5:7 (cast your burden on the Lord)
- Galatians 6:2 (share with one another)
- James 4:8 (as we draw closer to God, he draws closer to us)
- Matthew 11:28-30 (I will give you rest)
- Matthew 6:33 (Seek First)
God First!
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