Have you ever wanted to wipe the smirk right off of someone’s face? You both know they did you wrong, and they think it’s funny; they think they got away with it. (So they grin)
This grin or smirk is what I imagine is on Satan’s face when he thinks he’s winning.
But, I know there is a way to wipe that smirk right off his face. That’s when We focus on God’s Word. When We do God’s Will; when We live as the Christians were taught to live in the New Testament. When We humble ourselves to the Will of Our Heavenly Father rather than our own will.
When WE overcome temptations, depression, anger, etc., by focusing on good things and studying that which is perfect, “God’s Holy Word,” applying the teachings within to our daily lives, sharing them with others, making this world a better place.
This is when We wipe that smirk right off satan’s face with the most powerful weapon ever known.
——- LOVE ——-
God’s love for us and our love for God united with the blood of Jesus
- 2nd Timothy 2
- Philippians 4:8-9
- 1st Corinthians 13
- 1st John 4:8
God is love, God First!
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